For Businesses Hiring Youth

Opportunities for Employers

Host Work Experiences

Youth work experiences through the Adams County Youth Succeed program allow youth with barriers the opportunity to gain valuable work experience as an employee paid for through federal funding - at no direct cost to you!

Train the adults of tomorrow and help your community.

Learn more about Work Experiences

Host Career Exploration Activities

Businesses and community organizations can provide career exploration activities to help youth get into career pathways. From site tours to job shadowing to business panels, there are a variety of ways that you can assist as an employer and learn more about the benefits of hiring youth.

Learn more about Career Exploration

Workforce Development Board

Join our local Workforce Development Board as a voice for your business and your industry. The Workforce Development Board is a group of community leaders dedicated to workforce development and is mandated by federal legislation to oversee public investments in employment and training programs.

Learn more about the Workforce Development Board

Learn More about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act provides federal funding for our youth program, Youth Succeed. To learn about the success of the program and work experiences serving youth provided through this program, read the most recent Colorado Annual Report.

You can also learn more about the Adams County Workforce Youth programs.